Effortlessly Take Stock
Take stock counts across multiple locations and sub-locations
Take stock of all materials - ingredients, semi-processed materials, packaging, operating materials...
Create printable templates to save time & ensure no materials are ignored
Copy-paste data from excel onto the system
Works online & offline, across Mobile & Web
Store images for verification
Understand Variance (Actual v/s Expected Stock-in-Hand)
Track over-utilisation or under-utilisation of materials by location
Gain insight into materials that are pushing your margins up or down
Understand the cost implication of over-utilisation or under-utilisation
Closely track Variance to ensure consistent customer experience & to build predictability in costs
Track Spoilage, Staff Food, Trials & Sampling Costs
Track Spoilage across locations & materials; understand reasons & impact on overall profitability
Separately track cost of Staff Food, Trials & Sampling to understand cost % at an overall level by location
Dashboards, Reporting & Consultation
Dedicated Account Manager with Training & Support
Reports include:
Daily Cost Analysis
Expected Stock-in-Hand
Dead Stock Analysis